July 4, 2024

Why Product Reviews Are So Important For eCommerce Stores

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Why Product Reviews Are So Important For eCommerce Stores

In the online market, knowing the importance of reviews in ecommerce is necessary if you want your online store to succeed. When shopping online, people often rely on customer reviews and descriptions before buying a product.

Product reviews play an important role for the success of your ecommerce store. They help your business by showing how shoppers feel about your goods and services.

Allowing consumers to share their opinions helps you in improving your brand reputation and build trust. This article will share why reviews are important for an ecommerce store, how to get and encourage reviews, and tips for managing negative reviews.

Why are reviews important?

One can understand the importance of reviews in ecommerce when considering the impact of fake reviews. These fake reviews online create a major problem for customers to make informed buying decisions.

They damage the reputation of an e-commerce store and the interest of many sellers. Fake reviews can easily mislead people in making wrong choices. Shoppers find reviews valuable because they offer reassurance.

Review provides the evidence customers need to decide if a service or product meets their requirements. For example, when a consumer is unsure about buying a product, they might read the reviews to decide if it is worth buying.

Whether shopping in-store or online, people compare products. In a physical shop, they might try on jeans for best fit and style while in an e-commerce store, they research various products by reading reviews and compare them to other available options.

Moreover, they use reviews to learn more about your online store. While you can write anything in the product description, you cannot change the ecommerce website reviews and shoppers know this. That is why they trust other users' reviews.

Why do you need reviews for ecommerce stores?

The following are some points highlighting the importance of reviews in ecommerce:

1. Increase sales with social proof

Increased sales is a key reason why customer ratings and reviews matter for brands with DTC ecommerce channels. Data shows that consumers are more likely to buy from brands that have both positive and negative reviews.

Did you know? People trust reviews more than other forms of marketing. This type of social proof helps customers decide whether to buy a product by providing firsthand testimonials from other users.

2. Builds customer loyalty

Posting every review—including the negative ones, shows consumers that the ecommerce store values their opinions, which in turn boosts customer loyalty and how people view your brand.

Ecommerce website reviews can help build trust with new shoppers who are not sure about buying from a business they are not familiar with. The higher the quality of reviews an ecommerce store has, the more potential new customers will see in its offerings.

3. Improves SEO

DTC ecommerce stores aim to rank well in search engine results to increase online site traffic and sales. The importance of reviews in ecommerce is clear, as product reviews often include keywords like product and brand names, which can help improve a brand's SEO.

Google's algorithm favors pages with consumer reviews, giving them higher rankings in search results. Additionally, reviews add more text to the page, providing more opportunities for relevant keywords.

Ultimately, DTC e-commerce websites with higher-rated products and reviews are likely to rank high in both general and local search results.

4. Provides customer insights

Here's the deal: Product reviews are very valuable for understanding your clients. They give real insights into their expectations.

Even if you receive negative reviews from loyal customers (though the chances are slim), you can still use this feedback to make informed decisions for improvements in your e-commerce business.

5. Helps in product development

By using ecommerce reviews and customer ratings, you can refine your business operations. This means speeding up delivery times, improving product quality, offering competitive prices, and so much more.

These reviews also help in developing new products—ensuring you launch better versions based on customer input. Plus they pinpoint small yet vital flaws in your products that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Where to get product reviews?

Now that we know the importance of reviews in ecommerce, the next question is: Where do you actually get them?

Fortunately, there are several effective and affordable places to encourage customers to leave reviews. Here are some of the most common ones:

1. Your own website

The most effective way to collect an ecommerce review is through your company's website. If you have your own online store, provide a way for customers to share their feedback easily.

Encourage them to write about their real experiences with the product. Genuine reviews on your website give valuable insights into how customers actually feel about the item.

2. Social media platforms

Many people find e-commerce businesses through social media or networking sites. That's why it's very important to learn more about a business and read customer reviews or experiences on these platforms.

Did you know? Nearly 76% of consumers are influenced by social media posts before making a purchase. One can understand the importance of reviews in ecommerce is that reviews encourage buyer confidence by showing product quality and excellent customer service.

They serve as social proof, influencing potential customers positively and building trust in your brand.

3. Email follow-ups

One of the best ways to get ecommerce reviews is to send a mail to your customers. After they make a purchase, follow up with an email asking for their feedback and rating. And make it easy for them to leave a review by including a direct link to where they can do so on your website.

4. Google review page

The Google review page is the fastest way for customers to share their opinions. E-commerce businesses can use this platform to collect accurate ratings, reviews, and feedback. Make sure you have a Google Business Profile set up for this method to work effectively.

How to get more product reviews from customers?

As we've talked about the importance of reviews in ecommerce, one thing is pretty clear: When happy customers share positive feedback about your product, it coax potential buyers to give it a try. This not only increases sales but also improves your brand's reputation.

However, getting customers to leave reviews can be a big challenge. Here are some methods that have been proven to work when done right:

Ask customers for reviews

Start by politely asking your customers to leave a review. Many are willing to do this—especially if your brand is small or less known.

This simple action not only helps build a stronger customer relationship but also shows your genuine interest in their satisfaction with the product they bought.

Offer incentives for reviews

Another way to get more reviews is by offering incentives. It might seem like it'll cost you but these rewards are usually small. Offer a 10-15% discount on their next order or give them loyalty points. These little perks can really motivate customers to share their thoughts!

Respond to all reviews

No matter if the reviews are good or bad, show your customers you care by responding to their feedback. People pay attention to online reviews so when you reply to customer comments, it tells them that their thoughts matter to you. It shows you're ready to fix any problems or listen to their praises.

Make it simple and quick

To motivate customers to review your product, just simplify the entire process. We strongly suggest you avoid asking for too much personal info—it can really turn them off.

How to deal with negative reviews?

Negative reviews can be a headache for any business—whether big or small. No one likes seeing customers complaining about their products.

But did you know negative reviews can actually help your business? Even though replying to them can be really tough, handling them well can turn things around.

The key is to respond positively and professionally. Address your customers' concerns as soon as you can to show that you care about them.

Now here are some common tips for handling bad product reviews:

  • Acknowledge the complaint and show that you understand.
  • Figure out why they didn't like your product.
  • Offer a solution like coupons, discounts, gift cards, or a refund if needed.
  • Thank them for their feedback.
  • Use their feedback to improve your product for better sales in future.
  • By doing this and learning the importance of reviews in ecommerce, you not only solve current problems but also make your product and customer satisfaction even stronger over time.


    Product reviews help businesses find ways to improve, build trust with potential buyers, spark new product ideas, and make existing products even better. Reviews also make customers happier and turn them into loyal fans who spread the word about your brand.

    Setting up systems to encourage and manage reviews can make a big difference for an online store. You can use Mybranz, an AI-Powered Review Aggregation as it collects and analyzes reviews from popular social networks and marketplaces, giving you a clear picture of goods and their key details.

    It uses advanced AI to provide insights that are reliable and up-to-date. Plus, with deep industry knowledge, Mybranz ensures correct information by combining data with expert insights. Now that you know the importance of reviews in ecommerce—ask your customers to share their thoughts. It's a great way to grow your business and make it even better!

    Frequently Asked Questions
    What is the value of product review?

    Product reviews matter a lot because they help sell more products, make customers trust and stick with your brand, and give people useful information about what you're offering.

    What are the goals for any product review?

    The goal of a product review is to give potential buyers a clear and honest look at a product so they can decide if they want to buy it.

    are the qualities of a good review?

    A product review should fairly cover both the good and the bad parts of a work. If a review is only full of praise or criticism, it can come off as too simple, arrogant, or overly general, making it less useful to the reader.

    What is the impact of product review?

    Showing reviews on your website helps potential customers feel confident about their buying choices, reducing doubts and boosting sales. Plus makes your brand look more trustworthy and dependable.